Truy cập nội dung luôn
The provincial People's Procuracy signs cooperation agreement on digital transformation

The provincial People's Procuracy signs cooperation agreement on digital transformation

17:12 24/06/2024

The Quang Ngai People's Procuracy has just coordinated with VNPT Quang Ngai to sign a cooperation agreement on digital transformation for the period 2024-2027.

Viet Nam has first Data Center meeting Level 4 Information System Safety standards

Viet Nam has first Data Center meeting Level 4 Information System Safety standards

13:51 13/06/2024

CMC Telecom Data Center Tan Thuan officially becomes the first unit in Viet Nam to meet Level 4 Information System Safety standards.

Approving the ICT Architecture for the development of smart urban areas

Approving the ICT Architecture for the development of smart urban areas

08:25 12/06/2024

The Provincial People's Committee has just issued Decision No. 645/QD-UBND approving the ICT Architecture for the development of smart urban areas in Quang Ngai province, version 1.0.

Launching the campaign of

Launching the campaign of "All people participate in forest fire prevention and control"

09:15 07/06/2024

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC), Tran Phuoc Hien, Head of the Provincial Fire Prevention and Fighting Steering Committee attended the launching ceremony "All people participate in forest fire prevention and control" held in Duc Pho Town.

Activities organised to respond to Vietnam Sea and Island Week and World Ocean Day 2024

Activities organised to respond to Vietnam Sea and Island Week and World Ocean Day 2024

10:54 05/06/2024

The Provincial People's Committee has just issued Official Dispatch No. 2750/UBND-KTN directing the organization of activities of Vietnam Sea and Island Week and World Ocean Day 2024.

FPT among Asia's Top 50 IT Services Companies

FPT among Asia's Top 50 IT Services Companies

16:40 20/05/2024

Global IT technology firm FPT Corporation is the only Vietnamese winner in Asia’s top 50 IT services companies and top 150 globally by revenue, according to Gartner Market Share: Services, Worldwide, 2023.

Strengthening security assurance of information systems

Strengthening security assurance of information systems

15:26 12/04/2024

The Provincial People's Committee has just issued Official Letter No. 1737/UBND-KGVX directing to strengthen security assurance of information systems by levels in the province. 

Five busiest airports to apply non-stop toll collection system from May 5

Five busiest airports to apply non-stop toll collection system from May 5

15:45 29/03/2024

The electronic toll collection (ETC) system will be officially and simultaneously implemented at five busiest airports in Viet Nam from May 5, according to the Airports Corporation of Viet Nam (ACV).

Payments become more cashless in Viet Nam

Payments become more cashless in Viet Nam

16:51 27/03/2024

About 56 percent of Vietnamese respondents in a survey said they are now carrying less physical cash than they did a year ago, according to Visa.

Network of public science and technology organizations approved

Network of public science and technology organizations approved

11:10 20/03/2024

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang has signed a decision approving a master plan on the network of public science and technology organizations in Viet Nam in the 2021-2030 period with a vision towards 2050.

Copyright 2012 by Quang Ngai Provincial People's Committee. All rights reserved.

Person in charge: Mr. Nguyen Quoc Viet - Chief of the Office of Quang Ngai Provincial People's Committee

Address: 52 Hung Vuong Street - Quang Ngai city

Tel: 0255 3 712 135 | Fax: 0255 3 822 217
