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Conference on orientation of priority use of ODA capital and preferential loans for the agricultural sector in the period 2026-2030

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) organized a conference on prioritizing the use of ODA capital and preferential loans for the agricultural sector in the period 2026-2030.

The event aimed to facilitate exchanges between the ministry and donors, development partners, and international organizations to enhance cooperation and resource coordination for the development of Vietnamese agriculture.

The focus was on determining priorities, guiding viewpoints, and creating a plan to mobilize and effectively use ODA and preferential loans for the agricultural and rural development sector.

From 2016-2020, MARD approved and signed 5 programs and projects with a total value of over 820 million USD, including 662 million USD in loans.

The focus was on areas such as irrigation, forestry, new rural construction, science and technology, and human resource training.

For the 2021-2025 period, MARD plans to propose and prepare new projects with an expected total loan capital of about 2 billion USD.

5 projects have already had their proposals approved.

These projects will focus on modernizing irrigation, developing sustainable fisheries, managing natural disaster risks, promoting green development, agricultural value chains, and conserving biodiversity and landscapes.

MARD also plans to prioritize investment in rural infrastructure, irrigation, disaster prevention, fisheries, aquaculture, marine resource protection, environmental sanitation, rural water supply, forest regeneration, sustainable forest management, reducing deforestation emissions, key agricultural, forestry and fishery value chains, green growth, low emissions, and supporting high-tech agriculture in the 2026-2030 period.






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