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To effectively implement the wildfire prevention and control

To effectively implement the wildfire prevention and control work in the last months of 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has requested the leaders of departments, agencies, the Chairmen of the People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities, and the Provincial Fire Prevention and Control Committee, political and social organizations in the province to carry out important key tasks, as follows:

Actively review the tasks assigned in the directives from the Central Government and the Provincial People's Committee regarding wildfire prevention and control.

Organize implementation, ensuring it is suitable to the practical situation and assigned tasks.

Continue to disseminate, promote, and educate the law to enhance people's awareness, consciousness, and responsibility in complying with wildfire prevention and control regulations.

Enhance the state management responsibility of forestry by local authorities at all levels and related agencies.

Allocate personnel, vehicles, and equipment on duty 24/24 hours to be ready to collaborate and respond to emergency situations when wildfires occur.

Regularly monitor weather forecasts, wildfire warnings, and early detection of wildfires.

Report wildfires promptly to the Forest Protection Department's Emergency Center via phone number 0983.447282 for coordination and mobilization of wildfire control forces (when necessary).

The organization effectively implements the regulations on coordinating border areas between localities and between Forest Protection and other agencies.

In the event of a widespread fire, they coordinate seriously in organizing firefighting forces at all levels and implement Decision No. 47/2021/QĐ-UBND dated September 21, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on the regulations for receiving and handling information on wildfires at all levels.

Mobilize forces, vehicles, and firefighting equipment in Quảng Ngãi province.

They urgently direct the competent authorities to investigate and clarify the causes, perpetrators of wildfires, and strictly handle those who violate regulations and the responsibilities of the leaders when wildfires occur.

The Provincial Meteorological Station is requested to regularly updates monitoring results on weather conditions, and to provide timely information to the Forest Protection Sub-department under the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Forest Protection Sub-department) to determine and report wildfire forecasts in the province to serve wildfire prevention and response efforts.






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